Sole Trader FAQ
Can sole traders be union members
The ASU has an active membership of Independent Support Workers and Sole Traders and platform workers who supporting NDIS clients individually in their communities. Sole Traders get access to all the benefits of other members like industrial advice, insurances, professional development, and Union Shopper.
You also get access to our Sole Trader Toolkit that is your one stop shop for getting started as a sole trader or platform worker!
Sole Traders who are ASU members also have access to our Monthly Independent Support Worker Network meetings where experienced workers meet to discuss emerging trends and share sector experience. Being a sole trader can be lonely so by being an ASU member you’ve got a wide network of sole traders across the NSW and ACT.
Our Independent Support Worker Network allows independent workers to advocate for a better sector for workers and participants. Due to the advocacy of ASU sole trader members, we have secured an opt in portable long service leave scheme for sole traders as well as reform on mandatory registration being proposed by the NDIS Minister.
RSVP for our ASU Sole Trader Network below and join us on the fourth Thursday of the month at 4.30 to meet with other independent workers near you!
Where do i get started?
Join today or contact your organiser Mitch on 0484 063 404. ​
What is a sole trader?
A Sole Trader is a business structure that means you are independent, there is no other person or entity. You are entirely responsible for any contracts, people you hire, or legal implications of the business.
Being a Sole Trader is often the first and simplest way to begin operating as a Provider in the NDIS.
What is a provider?
The Australian Business Number (ABN)  enables businesses in Australia to deal with a range of government departments and agencies using a single identification number. The ABN is a public number which does not replace your tax file number.
ABN registration details become part of the Australian Business Register (ABR)  which the ATO maintains on behalf of the Commonwealth. You can access the publicly available information contained in the ABR through the ABN Lookup website.